Thursday 14 February 2013


He came from Bavaria
 that's his area
A man of hope
 he ended up Pope

With shoes of red
 his people he led
he's pulled the pin
before he winds up dead

Benedict 16,
classically keen
Pianist trained,
 not often seen

A gig in the Vatican
can't do that again
Pope 265
 wants to stay alive

A peacemaker with a pacemaker
at the head of the cue
A man for all
Catholic Protestant and Jew

Jesus Joseph Mary
now it's getting scary
Benedict is stepping down
late in February

A lover of cats
and pointy hats
a beautiful beatifier
who said that's that.

Benedictus or Benedetto
Italian or Latin,
The Pontiff is giving up the chair
in Rome that he sat in

85 years young
nothing about him bitter
blessed us all from the heart
when he took to twitter

Benedict doesn't care
about colour creed or face
in his eyes we're all divine
blessed human race.

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