Friday 15 February 2013

What the ?????

How often have you been strolling through your day when you see something that makes you stop and think  "What the ????".
I was driving through Ashgrove yesterday. Now there's  been a bit of action on Stewarts Road  lately with curbing and footpathing  stuff.  Everytime I have driven up to the lights I curse the "40" speed sign and the "stop n go "person, but not yesterday. I had come through the Waterworks /Stewarts Road intersection , then came to a "stop n go" person. Everybody obeyed ..except for one bloke.

"Speedy Gonzales" totally ignored stop or proceed with caution because he was a man on a mission. Maybe he had heard of the changes afoot in Campbell Land. Ros Bates and Caltabiano..."TheYarts" and "Main Roads" up a cul de sac, culled with the sack.
Maybe peptides had hit the roadside and was helping to shift his backside.
A council worker on speed...."What the ??"

This "Energiser Bunny" was running. A fully charged AAA. They were trotting out turf beside the newly laid footpath, but nobody was matching this bloke in the "Turf War".
While fellow gang members were sauntering up to the turf truck and back, this guy was burning rubber. Usain Bolting.
Maybe it was his turn to read the sign and if it said "go", he wasn't going to let the grass grow under his feet.

What a stand out while others were standing around.
On Campbell's Ashgrove Turf, this guy was like lightening on Astroturf.
 He took cutting another man's grass to a new level and he was smokin' it.

"What the ??".

 Maybe he was the only one on incentives. Maybe a bonus per roll.
 It was 11.00am, maybe a toot break was around the corner, down the street and over the hill, and he needed to go.
 How many short blacks had this guy had ?  I reckon he'd worked his way from "U & I Espresso" on Waterworks Rd., down to" Home" on Stewarts Rd., and was rolling his own all the way to "Grub Street " at Gaythorne.

Don't you love a passionate person. If that's all he had to do all day, then he we going to be the best damn "turf rollerouter" on Stewarts Rd.

The "stop n go" gave me the sign, the lights changed and I was heading off to my own patch .

As the man said:

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail".

"What the  ??"

And make sure you turf down both sides.

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